Documentation and help portal

regify Provider documentation


This document is meant to help you administer and maintain the regify provider application. It is a reference for installing, configuring and maintenance of the whole application.

Subprovider management

The regify provider software allows you to create subprovider. A subprovider is a sub-instance of your regify provider software to allow customized and individual reselling of the regify service. Creation and management of subproviders is located in the regify provider administration dialogs. This option is only visible to the administrator of the main provider.

Creating a new subprovider needs some jobs to do and should be done only by administrators with good knowledge about the regify technology and webhosting.

To create a new subprovider, please follow the setup-guide on the regify WIKI for detailed instructions:

Subprovider options

Common tab


This is the name of this subprovider. This name will be seen by your customers, too.

System base colour

Allows you to select the corporate identity color for this (sub)provider. Subprovider administrators can also change this in their Provider settings  Contact & Generic administration dialog.


This dialog allows you to define the administrators for this subprovider and which roles they have.

Changes to the administration-roles are saved directly, no matter if you save the other subprovider settings later or not.

The available roles are:


Offers only limited functionalities for simple user management like address, email addresses and password reset initiation.


Functionalities needed for subprovider management, which is close to master admin except of "Manage subproviders" option.


Functionalities like hotline but also including functions related to negotiators and groups. Also includes authentication and Excel/CSV user invitations.


Only accounting related modules. No access to user related functions but can export payments, manage negotiators and payments.

master admin

Grants access to all administration modules.


Reserved for special uses, ask if you need a very special admininstration role.

Depending on theese roles, the administrator is able to use the related administration functions or not.

The roles that are needed for different administration-pages are defined using a configuration-array in the provider configuration file (see Portal configuration file options).

Function Switches

Those switches are used to enable or disable various functionality of your regify (sub-)provider. The following switches are available:

Switch Description


If this system offers regibill validation (affects user menu and login-page).


If this system offers user authentication.


If users can use the representatives functionality.


If this system offers a shop page for ungrouped individual users.

O (oh)

If users are allowed to cancel their regify account by themselves.


If users can invite other users (in general not available for users inside of regipay groups).


If users can use the function „obligatory attachments“ if they activated expert mode in their account settings.


If this system offers a shop page for group-administrators.

Other, non-menu related, option switches


Allow new members by self-registration on login page.


Display „coupon-code“ questions on registering and invitation dialogs (enable negotiator codes).

All switches can get combined together.

Default Language

If the portal is not able to determine the language of the browser, this value will be used. If you are operating in germany, „german“ will be a good choice. This language is also used in several other situations, where a users choice is not available.

Allow inviting users to

This option allows you to define a list of domains. If the list is empty, all ungrouped users are allowed to invite new people without restrictions. If this list is filled, only users with a main-mailaddress inside of this list are allowed to invite other users to this provider. If a foreign provider is defined, users that are not listed in this domain-list will be able to invite, but their invitation will get forwarded to the foreign regify provider. You might need to refresh the page to update the dialogue.

Changes to this domain-list are saved directly, no matter if you save the other subprovider settings later or not.
Ungrouped members are undesired in this provider

If you check this option, the provider try’s to prevent of having ungrouped users. If a foreign provider is defined, invitations that will result in an ungrouped member will get redirected to this foreign provider. If you do not check this option, invitations that will result in an ungrouped member will remain on this provider (even if a foreign provider is defined). This option affects only invitations that are generated by grouped members!

Contact tab

Please enter all your contact data. Please do not leave empty fields here.

Provider homepage URL

Help people to find your generic homepage. Ensure to enter a complete URL including protocol like

Administrator e-mail address

This address is used by the portal to send technical notifications (eg regibox storage is exceeded by a user). Enter the address of the technician responsible for the regify appliance.

Mail robot address

This is an important setting because it defines the used email address for any provider emails sent to users and administrators. Please make sure to match your SPF and reverse DNS settings here.

Support address

This address is displayed to end users for technical support contact.

Phone for technical support

This number is displayed to end users for technical support contact. You should not leave this blank as some dialogs will look bad then.

Phone for billing support

This number is displayed to end users for support while doing orders. You should not leave this blank as some dialogs will look bad then.

External invitation tab

You can use this option to allow users not only to invite new users to the same (your) regify provider. Invitations can become forwarded to another regify provider instead. For this option, you need to set the URL and Parameters that will get called on the remote regify provider to start invitation. The parameters for the URL are defined in the regify provider-sdk. In case of questions, please contact for assistance.

If you enter the calling string, the regify provider will substitute several placeholders with invitation data. Therefore, you are able to control the behaviour of the external invitation.

Replaced placeholders are:

Values Meaning

Values for the invited user

[m] or [mb]

<mailaddress> or <mailaddress base64>

[p] or [pb]

<prefix> or <prefix base64>

[fn] or [fnb]

<first name> or <first name base64>

[ln] or [lnb]

<last name> or <last name base64>

[un] or [unb]

<username> or <username base64>

[o] or [ob]

<organisation> or <organisation base64>

[mn] or [mnb]

<mobile number> or <mobile number base64>

Values of the inviting user

[in] or [inb]

<invitationer full name> or <invitationer full name base64>

[io] or [iob]

<invitationer organisation name> or <invitationer organisation name base64>


<invitationer UserID> in sending regify provider

[mad] or [madb]

<mailaddress> or <mailaddress base64> of invitationer


<invitationer auth-level>

Other parameters


selected language code

[q] or [qb]

<personal message> or qb=<personal message base64>

It is highly recommended to use the base64 encoded placeholders versions to avoid problems in transmission (if option offers a base64 encoding). In case of any trouble, please carefully check the logfiles of both affected systems (regify providers).

Example values:

Provider-url for handover:
The complete URL like

Userdata for handover:
Enter user email and password, divided by colon. This user needs INVITING-USER permissions checked in Manage User  Action  Product settings / SDK). Example: SDKUser:MyPassword

A call providing the needed data. Usually, you are fine with this one: f=userinvite&mb=[mb]&pb=[pb]&fnb=[fnb]&lnb=[lnb]&ob=[ob]&c=[c]&qb=[qb]&i=test&inb=[inb]&iob=[iob]&ia=[ia]

Shop tab

Please define your shop options here.

Send order messages from shop by e-mail to

All orders will send an email to this email address.

Shopsystem and parameters

Please have alook at the separate billing documentation.

Prices for internal shop system

Please have alook at the separate billing documentation.

Other tab

Max. authentication level

You can define the maximum authentication level for the subprovider. This option is not available for the main provider (subprovider ID 1). The maximum level for subproviders is defined by regify after certification. If you are interested in certification for authentication levels above 3, please contact

Enable sharing feature (needs regibox)

Enable the regibox sharing feature by ticking this checkbox. Please note that regibox must be enabled in general at the appliance. Otherwise this checkbox is greyed out. Also, the user must be an activated regibox user for this to work for him.

Monthly report explanation

The regify-provider software generates a monthly report. It will get generated exactly on the first day of the month, usually some minutes after midnight.

This report is encrypted and sent to regify every month. It is used for billing and for automated invoicing. It does not contain any names or email addresses of your customers. It is just absolute numbers.

You can get an unencrypted copy of the report in readable form by setting REPORTCOPYADDRESS in Portal configuration file options. The report contains a detailed description of its values and is self explaining. If you have questions about the values, please feel free to contact our support for clarification.

But do not use this report for invoicing your customers. The Data Export function in your provider web administration offers you to export billing data in much more detail and contains the needed values for invoicing.

Design options

If you like to change the optical appearance of the regify provider software, please refer to the document „customizing regify provider appearance“.

Monitoring options


The regify provider software appliance offers built-in diagnostics for easy monitoring.

You can reach the tool by calling the following URL in intervals:

This method checks free system space, clearing-availability, database-availability and database-replication in one single call.

Possible results of monitoring.php:
OK → Everything is fine
WARNING: {msg} → The provider still runs, but some problems are detected (see message)
ERROR: {msg} → The provider is not running (see message for reason)


The regify provider software appliance repositories also contain the Nagios client tools. You can call them if you like. Please contact for help on enabling the Nagios client. Please note that we can not give you support or training on how to use and configure Nagios. See for more technical information.

The following monitoring-sources are recommended:

  • The lockfile /opt/provider/ClearingLock.dat
    If this lockfile exists, at least one clearing connection is not ok. It is automatically removed if the provider was able to re-connect again (every 5 minutes).

  • The lockfile /opt/provider/MaintenanceLock.dat
    If this lockfile exists, the provider has gone to maintenance-mode (eg missing all clearing connections). It is automatically removed if the provider was able to fix his problems by himself.

  • The MySQL logfile at /var/log/mysqld.log
    There is a problem if it contains entries with [error].


There is also Zabbix monitoring possible. Not by installing the client, but by SSH login. See for more information.

Updating provider software

To update the regify provider, you need to enter the appliance administration menu (SSH) and use the check for updates option.

This is descibed in detail in the regify provider appliance manual.

Portal configuration file options

You can find these option using the Manage (sub)providers option in your web administration. Please click the Edit regify-provider main configuration file button to edit this file.

Please do not edit this file manually on the appliance file system, because otherwise synchronisation to other systems (redundancy) will not work! Use the editor in (sub)provider management only.

The configuration file contains all settings that differ from the regify defaults.

Configuration file file syntax

Many settings are simply set using a TRUE or FALSE value. TRUE is meant for „YES“ or „ON“ and FALSE for „NO“ or „OFF“.

Here is an example (the highlight colors may differ):

// comment

Here you can set TRUE to set the maintain-mode of the portal or FALSE to allow normal operation. Some other functions need strings (textual information) or numbers. Strings must be covered by single quotes or double quotes. Numerical values are to be entered directly.

define('SOMEFILE', "/tmp/ClearingLock.dat");

define('SOMEVALUE', 1234);

In the first case, a string value is defined for SOMEFILE. Strings need to get covered using quotes or double quotes. In the second example, a numeric value is given to SOMEVALUE. Numeric values and TRUE/FALSE are not covered using quotation-marks.

Some configuration options need to define an array with multiple values. Please refer to the PHP documentation to learn about PHP array settings or study the examples below.

Configuration options

You do not need to set all of the available options. Most of them can remain undefined. If they are undefined, they will use the default values.

You can find these option using the Manage (sub)providers option in your web administration. Please click the Edit regify-provider main configuration file button to edit this file.

Please contact regify support at if you like to change something and you are not sure about how to change or what the option does.
Provider information


If set TRUE, wether the portal or the regify client software is able to work. Every customer will get a maintenance information. Set this, if an error occurs or you are planning some maintenance that might break the portal for a while.

Default: FALSE


If set TRUE, all access to regibox data is blocked (eg regibox manager) while other regify products and the portal are still working. This is useful for stopping regibox usage while working on the connected SMB share for regibox data.

Default: FALSE

regify specific definitions


If set to TRUE, the regify portal does not create any https:// links. It creates only insecure http:// links. This is only for development purposes and testing systems. Do not set this on productive systems.

Default: FALSE


Here you may define a proxy for external url calls. Leave empty ("") if your server has direct connection to the internet. Normally this value is automatically updated if you set the proxy in SSH appliance menu and you should not change it manually.

Format: "ProxyNameOrIP:Port"

Default: ""


How many days will a regify subscription or invitation be available, if the e-mailed user does not activate his account by clicking the e-mail link?

Default: 6


Days of premium membership the user will get after he successfully created an account (use -1 to start without premium membership).

Default: 30


Define, on which days before regimail professional expiration the user should get an expiration reminder e-mail. Separate by comma. Leave empty ("") to disable expiration messages.

Default: "7,3" (7 and 3 days before expiration)


Set this value to TRUE to let the portal set premium-membership of grouped users at any time to the group value. If set to FALSE, the portal will not reduce premium-membership of a user in case the admin changes the premium-membership of a group or the SDK changes premium-membership of a group.

Default: FALSE


In case the provider switches automatically to maintenance-state (no clearing or no cryptoserver), this URL will get called directly. Please leave empty to disable this feature.

Default: ""

Example URL to receive an SMS using

$url = "";
$url .= "handynr=49172123456&user=xxxx&pwd=xxxx&kdnr=xxxx";
$url .= "&tarif=4";
$url .= "&text=".urlencode("regify maintenance mode!");
define('EMERGENCYURL', $url);


If a regibill standard transaction is started, this text is set as subject in the transaction history.

Default: "regibill standard"


The duration of the reminder period of regibill transactions. Important: regibill standard does never trigger a receipt information. Upon this, this value is only for database optimisation (how long is the key held in active table).

Default: 7


The default value for the international dialing code. It’s set to the German code by default.

Default: "+49"


The number of hits for each page on multiple-page results (list of sent regimails, regibills, regipays etc).

Default: 12


This array defines the access-options for the different administration roles. Please change these values only in consultation with regify support!


Defines the maximum size of online written regimail in megabytes (counting the attachments sizes). Please only enter the numeric value without any characters.

Default: 32


List of IOC code of common countries of your customers (divided by blank). This allows you to sort some common countries to the top of country lists.


Also see list of International IOC country codes in the addendum of this document.


List of file extensions allowed for upload as obligatory attachments. The entries have to be separated by semicolon.

Default: "pdf;docx;doc;odt;txt;jpg;gif;png;pk7;p7m;p7s;crt;key"

Intrusion detection system and session management


Define the treshold for PHPIDS. If this treshold is reached, the access will get blocked (session will get destroyed!).

Default: 16


This value defines, how many seconds a session will last on the portal. If a user is not calling a page after that time, the session is invalid (user is logged out). This applies also to SDK and client access (sdk.php, regify.php and regify2.php).

Default: 600


Defines, how many high-load processes of a given type are allowed at a time to avoid any unattainability of the server. Such processes are PDF generation for regibill validation reports or PDF generation of transaction history or GDPR reports. Those jobs can run a maximum of MAX_DOS_LOAD times at the same time (counting over all your machines)! If you run multiple and/or strong machines, you can increase to 20 or even 50. But 10 should do the trick for most.

Default: 10


If a user tried to login several times with wrong password, this function blocks any further attempt (even if password is correct). The user may try again after 10 minutes. This constant defines the treshold for failed logins.

If you set this value to 0 (zero), the function is disabled (unlimited attempts, not recommended).

Default: 10

regibox specific


The maximum disk space consumption a user is allowed to utilize using regibox. This is the default and applies to all users who did not get a dedicated limitation. The value is in GigaBytes.

Default: 2


Set to TRUE to give every new user that is created the initial permission to use regibox

Please note that regibox accounts trigger cost! In doubt, contact us for clarification.

Default: FALSE


If a regibox size exceeds X percent or more above 100%, the system administrator is getting an e-mail by the system.

Default: 20 (means warning if >= 120%)


If a regibox size exceeds this usage level, the regibox owner is getting an e-mail by the system.

Default: 90 (means warning if >= 90%)

sharing specific


The maximum size a user is allowed to share in sum across all his shares in megabytes.

Default: 250

Authentification and security switches


If authentication option is active, please select the IOC code(s) of the countries for which you provide the authentication service (divided using blank). Only users with their address location in one of these countries are getting the authentication options displayed.

Default: "GER LUX"

Also see list of International IOC country codes in the addendum of this document.


Define the bitlength for identity-files. Possible values: 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096. The bigger the value, the more computing power is needed. Use only with care.

Default: 2048


Defines, how the identity-files unlock-codes will be generated (used by users to decrypt identity-files). The following char flags define the used charsets:

"U"=Uppercase Alphanumeric Chars
"L"=Alphanumeric Lowercase Chars
"N"=Numeric Chars

Combinations of these values are allowed.

Default: "ULN"


Defines the length of the unlock code used to unlock identity-files on local machines.

Default: 16


If you set a value from 1 to 5, an invited user will get authenticated by default using this authentication level. This requires, however, that the inviting user is already authenticated by the same or a higher level. Set to 0 to prevent any automatic authentication.

Default: 0


This option applies only if the INVITATIONAUTHTOLEVEL option was set. Setting this option to TRUE prevents authentication of users that are not being initiated by the provider-SDK. If set to FALSE, the INVITATIONAUTHTOLEVEL option affects all invitations.

Default: TRUE


Select which type of unlock code and password reset code transmission will be used (eg regisration, authentication, pwd reset).

0 = Use regify SMS gateway
1 = Use own SMS gateway (using AUTHTRANSMITURL)
2 = Use no SMS at all

Default: 0


This URL is used to call the SMS gateway. The following placeholders allow you to complete the url (they are already url encoded):

[r] = unlockreturninformation (mobile number)
[t] = text to transmit in ISO-8859-1
[u] = text to transmit in UTF16/UCS and HEX
[8] = text to transmit in UTF-8
[s] = sender info in ISO-8859-1 (eg domain of provider)
[e] = 0 if text seems valid GSM 03.38 encoding, 1 if it seems not (unicode)

Default: ""

Example URL to send an Unlock-Code SMS using

$url = "" .
"handynr=**[r]**&user=xxxx&pwd=xxxx&kdnr=xxxx&" .
define('AUTHTRANSMITURL', $url);


In case you use AUTHTRANSMITURL, please enter the result that indicates a successful sending as a Regular Expression (for example: /200/ if you need to get "200" or /<status>0<\/status>/i if you need to get a result containing "<status>0</status>"). Please note escaping of slashes inside of the RegEx!


This option defines how the mobile number [r] country code is handled for replacement in your own AUTHTRANSMITURL:

Mode 0 = format number like 49771…​
Mode 1 = format number like +49771…​
Mode 2 = format number like 0049771…​

Default: 1

function AuthTransNumberConvert($O) {}

This optional function allows you to check or convert the [r] replacement placeholder before inserting. This overwrites the AUTHTRANSMITNUMBERMODE option. This may get used to ensure a given pre-code or to remove unwanted chars etc. This function needs to return the correct value. If it returns "" (empty string), the sending is canceled. If this function is not existing, this feature is simply ignored and the value of AUTHTRANSMITNUMBERMODE is used.


This value allows you to set the maximum authentication level of this provider instance (and all subproviders). You can get the needed codes only from regify. For more information contact


Length of normal user-passwords (auto generated upon invitation or self register).

Default: 8


The length of the verification code sent by email to the user. This code is used for email/account activation and password reset links.

Default: 32


The length of the numeric verification code sent by SMS. Used for account activation and password reset.

Default: 6


If TRUE, the system disables all security mechanisms. There will be no IDS (Intrusion Detection System), no delay on invalid logins (speed up testing), no SMS sending enabled (prevent cost for text messages), no CSRF token check (always valid), all captchas accepted (every input is valid) and no cookie session-id is changing. It will also not count and stop invalid logins.

Do not turn on in production systems!

Default: FALSE

Shopsystem definitions


Currency used in this provider. It is used for the shop-system.

Default: "EUR"


If an order is not marked as "payed" after that number of days, it is automatically marked as "cancelled".

Default: 21

Mailing options


Enter an email address, if you like to receive a copy of the monthly report that is sent to regify. Please keep in mind, that the content is not encrypted. Leave empty to receive no copy.

Default: ""

Separate multiple recipients using comma (,).

Restoring backups

Backups are created automatically by the backup option in your appliance menu (SSH). Please refer to the appliance manual to find out more about the backup option.

In order to restore such a backup, the following prerequisites must be given:

  1. The target appliance must be set up with clearing ID and clearing password.

  2. The appliance wizard and the web wizard (https://domain/WIZARD/) must be run (because we need your clearing access data configured in order to be able to decrypt the backup).

  3. You need the backup file to restore.

If your system is replicated, we strongly recommend to first stop replication. Now restore one system in the beginning and later set up the replication again based on the restored system.

The backup restore can get startet in two ways:

  • In the web administration gui Provider maintenance  Restore backup. Simply upload the backup file and restore begins. Sadly, this may fail for bigger backups. If this happens, use the next option.

  • By using SSH access.

    • First copy the backup-file to the machine (eg with rsync or scp).

    • SSH-Login as root and enter:

      $ sh /usr/libexec/regify-provider-app/restore {backup-file}

After the restore, the SSL usage is deactivated!

  • If you are behind some SSL offloading LoadBalancer, this is ok. But you still need to set the Loadbalancer IP Addresses now! Enter SSH appliance menu and either select Set LB IP Address  ] or select menu:Provider[Stop using SSL.

  • If your provider needs to do the offloading (standard), please enter SSH appliance menu and activate SSL Provider  Start using SSL. If the hostname matches the restored SSL certificate and key, it is automatically used and activated.

Technical support information

Online resources

FAQ’s available in English, French and German under

Extensive wiki available in English at

Installing third party software

We do not allow you to activate other rpm repositories except the regify ones. You are not allowed to install other software on the appliance. The only exception is software needed for your virtualization environment. By doing this, you accept the following licence agreement for installing such software:

Installation of driver software and programs in the context of virtualisation technologies

regify also provides support for customers who use the regify provider software appliance or the regigate software appliance on virtual servers (e.g. on VMWare, Virtualbox or Microsoft Hyper-V) according to the maintenance agreement and in line with commercial practice. As virtualisation technologies emulate functions of physical computers, regify assumes that regify products work in virtual environments as they do in physical environments. Therefore, provisioning of the regify support is based on the assumption that a potential problem or error that is observed in a virtual environment can be replicated in a physical one.

A regify customer may install other software on a regify appliance if such software is critical for the operation of the virtual environment. The existing maintenance agreement between customer and regify also applies for such virtual setups. However, problems or errors that only occur on virtual systems or in combination with software that was installed by the customer are not covered by the maintenance agreement. In such cases, regify reserves the right to charge the customer for time and effort. Moreover, regify does not assume any liability for system failure or loss of data.



International IOC country codes

AFG Afghanistan

ALB Albania

ALG Algeria

ASA American Samoa

AND Andorre

ANG Angola

ANT Antigua and Barbuda

ARG Argentina

ARM Armenia

ARU Aruba

AUS Australia

AUT Austria

AZE Azerbaijan

BAH Bahamas

BRN Bahrain

BAN Bangladesh

BAR Barbade

BLR Belarus

BEL Belgium

BIZ Belize

BEN Benin

BER Bermuda

BHU Bhutan

BOL Bolivia

BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina

BOT Botswana

BRA Brazil

IVB British Virgin Islands

BRU Brunei

BUL Bulgaria

BUR Burkina Faso

BDI Burundi

CAM Cambodia

CMR Cameroon

CAN Canada

CPV Cape Verde

CAY Cayman Islands

CAF Central African Republic

CHA Chad

CHI Chile

CHN China

COL Colombia

COM Comoros

CGO Congo

COD Congo (Dem. Rep.)

COK Cook Islands

CRC Costa Rica

MNE Crna Gora

CROC roatia

CUB Cuba

CYP Cyprus

CZE Czech Republic

CIV Côte D’Ivoire

DEN Denmark

DJI Djibouti

DMA Dominica

DOM Dominican Republic

TLS East Timor

ECU Ecuador

EGY Egypt

ESA El Salvador

GEQ Equatorial Guinea

ERI Eritrea

EST Estonia

ETH Ethiopia

FRO Faroe Islands

FIJ Fiji

FIN Finland

FRA France

GAB Gabon

GAM Gambia

GEO Georgia

GER Germany

GHA Ghana

GRE Greece

GRN Grenada

GUM Guam

GUA Guatemala

GUI Guinea

GBS Guinea-Bissau

GUY Guyana

HAI Haiti

HON Honduras

HKG Hong Kong

HUN Hungary

ISL Iceland

IND India

INA Indonesia

IRI Iran

IRQ Iraq

IRL Ireland

ISR Israel

ITA Italy

JAM Jamaica

JPN Japan

JOR Jordan

KAZ Kazakhstan

KEN Kenya

KIR Kiribati

PRK Korea (North)

KOR Korea (South)

KUW Kuwait

KGZ Kyrgyzstan

LAO Laos

LAT Latvia

LIB Lebanon

LES Lesotho

LBR Liberia

LBA Libya

LIE Liechtenstein

LTU Lithuania

LUX Luxembourg

MKD Macedonia

MAD Madagascar

MAW Malawi

MAS Malaysia

MDV Maldives

MLI Mali

MLT Malta

MHL Marshall Islands

MTN Mauritania

MRI Mauritius

MEX Mexico

FSM Micronesia

MDA Moldova

MON Monaco

MGL Mongolia

MAR Morocco

MOZ Mozambique

MYA Myanmar

NAM Namibia

NRU Nauru

NEP Nepal

NED Netherlands

AHO Netherlands Antilles

NZL New Zealand

NCA Nicaragua

NIG Niger

NGR Nigeria

NOR Norway

OMA Oman

PAK Pakistan

PLW Palau

PLE Palestine

PAN Panama

PNG Papua New Guinea

PAR Paraguay

PER Peru

PHI Philippines

POL Poland

POR Portugal

PUR Puerto Rico

QAT Qatar

ROU Romania

RUS Russia

RWA Rwanda

SKN Saint Kitts and Nevis

LCA Saint Lucia

VIN Saint Vincent and the

SAM Samoa

SMR San Marino

KSA Saudi Arabia

SEN Senegal

SRB Serbia

SEY Seychelles

SLE Sierra Leone

SIN Singapore

SVK Slovakia

SLO Slovenia

SOL Solomon Islands

SOM Somalia

RSA South Africa

ESP Spain

SRI Sri Lanka

SUD Sudan

SUR Suriname

SWZ Swaziland

SWE Sweden

SUI Switzerland

SYR Syria

STP São Tomé and Príncipe

TPE Taiwan

TJK Tajikistan

TAN Tanzania

THA Thailand

TOG Togo

TGA Tonga

TRI Trinidad and Tobago

TUN Tunisia

TUR Turkey

TKM Turkmenistan

TUV Tuvalu

UGA Uganda

UKR Ukraine

UAE United Arab Emirates

GBR United Kingdom

USA United States of America

URU Uruguay

UZB Uzbekistan

VAN Vanuatu

VEN Venezuela

VIE Vietnam

ISV Virgin Islands of the US

YEM Yemen

ZAM Zambia

ZIM Zimbabwe