regify provider administrator guide
- Basics
- Login and administration roles
- A few important philosophy rules
- Regify account membership
- Common user tasks
- User creation
- Add/change users e-mail addresses
- Delete user
- Reset password
- Fix duplicate user accounts (one user having multiple accounts)
- User wants to assign but seems to be registered already at another provider
- Shop usage for group administrator
- A user wants to send more than 500 regimails a month
- Grouping
- Representatives
- Software deployment
- Subprovider
- Authentication
- Shop and payment
- Enabling regigate
- Enabling regibox
- Enabling regipay plus
Login and administration roles
The following chapter only applies only if you are the administrator of the main regify provider. If you’re the administrator of a subprovider, you can only use the regify provider web administration. |
In order to administer the regify provider, two interfaces are available with different purposes:
The regify appliance menu
This is a SSH based menu to access using PuTTY or a (Linux) SSH terminal. The appliance menu allows you to setup all tasks that are affecting the appliance itself like IP addresses, e-mail relay, appliance updates and provider setup. It does not allow you to edit any user related settings. It is only for technical skilled persons administering the regify provider appliance and setup.
The regify provider web administration
The provider administration is a web based interface that allows you to do daily tasks and user management. It offers multiple roles for multiple users allowed to administer. No customer is getting this access, it is only for your staff.
In order to get access to the provider administration, a user needs to own a regify account. The login credentials for administration are the same than the normal credentials for the regify account. The user simply needs an assigned administration role.
To enter administration, please go to https://portaladdress/ADMINISTRATION/ (please consider that the URL is case sensitive). Now, enter your regify account credentials. If you have an assigned administration role, you can login.
Depending on your administration role, not all options might be available for you. Only if you’re having a „Master“ role and you are on the main provider you will get access to all options.
A few important philosophy rules
A “normal” user (one person) should only have ONE regify account. Having multiple regify accounts is a recipe for getting a lot of support requests.
Switching between regify accounts client side requires several manual steps every time and is not recommended for normal users.
To address the above, a regify account can be configured with multiple email addresses (up to two for regimail private and five for regimail professional). Because of this, a user doesn’t need multiple regify accounts. Using a single regify account with multiple associated e-mail addresses is the best solution as the user can access all secured documents from his single regify account.
An e-mail address can get registered only once with any regify service provider globally. If someone tries to use an already assigned e-mail address again it will get rejected. The information for this is shared anonymously (using fingerprints) by the regify clearing service.
To allow a user re-using an assigned e-mail address, the address must either get removed from the regify account or the regify account must get deleted.
Regify account membership
The membership on regify service depends on the product:
The regimail membership is defined by a date.
If this date is in the future, the user is regimail professional member. regimail professional expires the day the date is overdue (midnight). The account is falling back to regimail private.
If the date is in the past, the user is regimail private member. regimail private does not expire.
If a user buys regimail professional, it will increase the date (for example by 1 year). If he does not extend, he will fall back to regimail private automatically. He will get informed about that a few days before by e-mail (default is 7 and 3 days before - Config-Variable NOTIFYEXPIRATIONMAIL).
If a user is grouped, his regimail membership is defined by his group settings and the date-field in the administration is greyed out.
regibill, regipay and regimail mass senders
These membership types are based on transactional payment. Upon this, the user is getting some internal bank account. It is updated once a week with his transactions. If the bank debit is negative, you have to charge him either the amount or you are doing automatic debit. The regify provider portal offers you all information on this.
To enable regibill, regipay or regimail mass senders, enter product settings of the affected user and tick the appropriate checkbox(es).
regibill, regipay or regimail mass sender membership only ends if you remove the tick from the users product options.
Usage of regibox (creation of new boxes) is defined by a product option flag. Currently, there is no shop for this. To enable regibox, enter product settings of the affected user and tick the checkbox for regibox.
regibox membership only ends if you remove the tick from the users product options.
If you remove the tick, all users regibox content is deleted! |
Common user tasks
User creation
In order to create new users, there are multiple options:
Please invite the new user directly from your portal interface. No need to use administration here.
This is a preferred option
Group batch invitation from Excel file
This allows you to invite a greater number of users by uploading an Excel file. Users are getting grouped to your group automatically.
This is a preferred option
Ask him to register
If your provider supports users to register themselves, why should you do this? Simply ask him to register at himself.
This is a preferred option
Create him using administration
This option is only suitable, if you need a short hand solution or the user is somewhat unable to assist (e.g. technical accounts). In this case, please enter the user administration and press on the Add new user button.
This is not a preferred option
Invite users in batch from Excel file (administration)
This allows you to invite a greater number of users by uploading an Excel file. Invited users can optionally get grouped.
This is a preferred option
Use the provider SDK (software development kit)
The regify software development kit allows you to automate many common tasks by scripting using a REST connection API.
This is a preferred option
Add/change users e-mail addresses
Note that a user can do this by his own. He simply needs to login to his portal and chose “E-mail addresses”. There he is able to manage up to five e-mail addresses (adding and removing).
Every regify account is having a main e-mail address which is the default for notifications and communication. If he wants to change this main e-mail address, he can chose one of the assigned e-mail addresses in his “Personal information” dialog.
If the user is not able to do this, you can enter your provider administration to edit all his e-mail addresses, too.
Delete user
A user can delete his account either himself or he asks you to do so. He is only able to delete his account if he is not assigned as an administrator and the regify provider allows this option.
You can also delete a user using your user administration interface. If you are a community provider, the user is getting deleted completely with all data. If you are a corporate provider, the user data-set stays in the database but will get disabled. For the user, this makes no difference at all. But a corporate provider is able to assign and check transaction history in database later on.
Reset password
In the regify provider, a user has several options to get a new password:
Every account
Every user can use the general “forgot password” option on his provider portal.
How the process works on your provider depends on your SMS gateway configuration:
If you enabled SMS sending, users with valid mobile number can reset their password by using the “forgot password” option on your provider portal. The mobile phone will get a code by SMS which needs to get entered.
If you enabled SMS sending, users with no valid mobile number get the simple form (no SMS validation).
If no SMS is enabled, even users with mobile number will only get a simple password reset process (get e-mail, click link, get password).
A user is even able to start a password reset on any another regify provider! In this case, the used regify provider submits the password reset request to the correct regify provider (using our Provider Lookup Service). Upon this, the correct regify provider will handle this as it would have been initiated by himself. He will send a confirmation e-mail to the customers e-mail account. This also helps the user to find his provider…
Account is a member of a group
In this case the group administrator is also able to trigger a new password for his group members. The provider administrator is also able to use the user administration dialog on such users (like for ungrouped accounts).
Reset by the administrator (you)
You are normally able to initiate a password reset using administrative functions.
Fix duplicate user accounts (one user having multiple accounts)
This is a bad scenario because it is important that a single user is only having one regify account. Imagine a user having two accounts. One account (A) is assigned to and the other one (B) at If the user is getting a regimail to, he needs to configure his regify client with the credentials of the first account (A). If he receives another regimail at two hours later, he needs to reconfigure his regify client with the credentials of the second account (B). Otherwise he will get error 20 (invalid recipient). You might realize the problem now…
To fix such scenario, please follow these steps:
Identify the users accounts in the user administration interface. Please try to find out, which account the user is currently using (use the last activity information in the tool tip over the users name).
Now, please write down all e-mail addresses all his accounts are assigned to.
Delete all the accounts except the one identified in step 1.
Add all the e-mail addresses you wrote down to that remaining account.
User wants to assign but seems to be registered already at another provider
This is somewhat the worst case scenario. The only thing you can do is to force the user to delete his previous account at his “old” regify provider. If the provider is not known, the user has to run a password reset procedure from any regify provider. He will get his password reset e-mail from the provider he is currently signed up to. This allows him to login and delete the account. You might consider to call the old providers administrator (or support) to help your user.
Shop usage for group administrator
You need to know that the shop pages for group administrators are slightly different to ungrouped user accounts.
A group administrator gets into his shop using the My group option in his portal. There he can buy for all his group members.
An ungrouped member finds his shop page in his portal REGIMAIL menu. There he can buy for himself.
A user wants to send more than 500 regimails a month
To rise the transaction limit for such user, please enter the user administration dialog and locate him. Now press the “Product settings / SDK” action icon on the right (having a gear icon).
There is a dropdown field to chose between 500 and 1000 regimail transactions per month. It is important to know that regify will charge you like two accounts for users with the risen limit of 1000 regimails/month.
If the user wants to send more than 1000 regimails a month, you need to make him a regimail mass sender. This means that he now needs to pay per transaction. Please have a look at the “regify account membership” chapter.
If you can not see the maximum transactions field or the regimail mass sender option, the user might be grouped. Grouped users can not have an individual transaction limit due to hard technical limitations. In this case, you need to ungroup this user and handle him separately.
Description of groups
A regify user group consists of a couple of regify accounts. Every group member still owns an individual regify account. The member status (professional or private member), however, is solely defined on a group level. The group functionality is important to companies, since not every user should be concerned with regify administration, but rather just use the regify service.

There are a few limitations about groups you need to know:
A group is only having one group administrator (management account!).
The group administrator is always a member of his group.
A regify account can only be a member of one group (not multiple groups).
The position as a group-administrator can be passed to another group member by the current group-administrator.
A group-administrator receives an extra navigation menu entry, My group, in the regify portal. There are various means of group management available to the group-administrator. A group administrator is able to re-send users a new password, add users to his group, remove users from his group and he is also able to invite people directly into his group.
Group administration dialogue
As ordinary regify accounts are not able to create groups, you have to create them in the regify provider administration. You can create groups by simply clicking “Create new group” in the “User groups” menu option.
The three most important fields are:
Group size
This is the maximum number of users allowed in this group. If this limit is reached, no more users can get added or invited into this group. It is important to know, that this number of users is count for regimail members. If you set up a group of 50 users, regify will bill you 50 users. No matter if there are really 50 users in the group or not! -
regimail prof. until
This date defines the regimail professional membership. If the date is in the future, all group members are regimail professional. If the date is in the past, all users are regimail private. -
Only regipay users
If this checkbox is ticked, the users of this group are getting a very limited portal with only the options needed for receiving payslips. -
Group administrator
This is the user who is able to manage this group. He is not a regify provider administrator! A group-administrator receives an extra entry, manage group, in the regify portal main menu of his regify provider. There are various means of group management available to the group-administrator. A group administrator is able to re-send users a new password, add users to his group, remove users from his group and he is also able to invite people directly into his group.
Other group fields
Group Name
The name displayed everywhere for this group (to you and the group members) -
Group code
This code is mainly for internal use. The only public use it for making groups representatives. If user wants to make a group a representative, he needs to ask the group administrator user for this code in order to enter it to his representatives dialogue. -
This is a field that is free for your personal use. Enter whatever you want (eg for assigning sales people). It is part of the user export any may be useful there, too. -
This is a special purpose field that is used only for special systems and marketplace connectors. There is no way to edit this field manually.
Group domains
You can leave empty and everything is fine. But if you enter it has the following effect: If a member of your group is inviting someone new with email address domain, the new invited user is automatically assigned to this group.
The list may consist of as many domains as needed. Please do not enter with an @ symbol. Just the domain part from behind the @ in the email address.
Common group tasks
Create/edit group
You can create groups by simply clicking “Create new group” in the “User groups” menu option.
Assign/unassign users to/from groups
To assign users to a group inside of your administration interface, the following options are available:
Add directly in user management.
You can enter the group ID into the group field in the users row.
To store this information, please click on “Save changes”. -
Chose the group in the user data dialog.
You can also open the users “user data” dialog to chose his group assignment.
Making all users of a group representatives
In regify, a user is able to define representatives for his regify account. This is limited to 25 users. In addition, a user is also able to enter a group code to his representative list. This will allow all members of this group to open regimails sent to the user.
To make this working, first get the group code of the group someone wants to make representatives. This can be found in administration (edit group dialogue). The group administrator is able to find this in his regify portal in group management dialogue.
Now, the user simply enters this group code as a representative:
A strong and unique functionality of regify is the ability to define representatives. Please note that you, the administrator, do not have a function to edit the representatives. You can only check, if a user defined representatives and if he is a representative of someone. For this, please open the "Representative Info" tab on the "Manage email addresses" function from the user action menu.
In general, a representative…
can open all regify messages that are addressed to the user (regimail, regipay etc)
triggers the receipt while opening messages
cannot send in others name
does not need to know passwords of represented users
must be registered on the same regify provider
The system offers two types of representatives: Single users or whole groups
Single users as representatives
Such representatives are entered by entering the email address. A user is able to define up to 25 users or groups as representatives. This is a hard technical limit and is not able to get increased (it is because of how representatives are handled by the regify clearing service). If 25 representatives is not enough, please consider making a group representatives.
Group as representatives
A user is also able to enter also groups as representative. For this, he enters the group code instead of an email address. The group code is known to the group administrator (in his group administration dialog) and the provider administration (in group management).
If a group is defined as representative, all members of this group are able to open up regify messages sent to the user.
Due to technical limitations, a group is only able to get nominated for representatives by up to five users.
Software deployment
If your customers ask for software deployment options, please have a look at the regify documentation pages. There, for regify client, you can find the deployment information document.
It helps you on various questions like silent setup, ports and urls for proxy, registry keys and Cirtrix/Terminalserver options.
A subprovider is a way to host multiple regify provider instances on a single system. In fact, all subprovider instances of a regify provider, each visible with different customizing to the customers, is running on the same hardware / virtual host.
You can find more information about the pro’s and con’s of a subprovider and the possible options on the regify wiki page:
Creation of a subprovider
You need to be a main regify provider administrator to create new subproviders. If you’re a subprovider administrator, you can’t add subproviders. |
In order to create a new subprovider, please start using the SSH appliance menu. You need to be prepared by having the following information available:
A subprovider needs to be licenced by regify. Please contact us at in order to fix the contracts first.
You need a public IP Address (must point to your regify provider appliance).
DNS entry for the domain pointing to this IP address (eg
Reverse-DNS entry for the domain (otherwise most spam filters will kill your messages).
Best if you ask us for assistance. We are happy to help you in a short remote-session.
If you have further questions about setting up a new subprovider, please contact regify support at
By default, a regify provider is only able to authenticate users up to level 3. You can find a description of the authentication levels and the authentification in general here:
If you like to offer a higher level of authentication, please contact regify support at and ask for regify provider certification.
Shop and payment
There is a special document available to explain all possible shop and payment options. You will find a document "regify provider billing" in provider documentation.
If you have questions on this topic, please contact regify support at to get help.
Enabling regigate
In order to connect regigates to your regify provider, you simply need to activate the regigate connector in your SSH appliance menu. Enter
. If it is enabled, the web administration is showing an extra field for regigate creation and signing. Please refer to the regigate manual.Enabling regibox
You can simply enable regibox in the SSH appliance menu by setting: enter the SMB share information to be used for regibox and then you can start.
. You only need toYou can find more detailed information about this on the regify WIKI pages:
Enabling regipay plus
With regipay plus, the encrypted payslip files are uploaded to the regify provider. In order to store them, the provider needs some storage. Enter
to provider the data for a SMB share to use.