Documentation and help portal

regipay Onboarding Guide


This document helps you to roll-out regipay for your company. This is not only technical but also a question of process and therefore this document is written as a step by step guide to follow for implementation.

If there are any open questions or you need help, please contact regify staff at for further help.

regipay at a glance

Process Every payslip is automatically registered as a communication transaction and therefore traceable at any point of time. The confidentiality needed is created automatically by encryption of the e-mail content (the PDF payslip file). Only the sender and the correct recipient of a regipay message can open the message. To secure the integrity of the payslip, the digital fingerprint of the payslip is sent to the regify clearing service together with the key.

An e-mail with the encrypted payslip as an attachment (.rgf-file) is automatically sent from the employer to the employee. The private e-mail addresses of the employees are used. The employee opens the attachment with a double click (like a PDF document, if regify client software is installed). In the background, the regify software takes care about the authentication of the employee by the provider, so that the message key can be received, which immediately allows the attachment to open. Using the message key, the attachment is decrypted and the employee gets access to the decrypted content of the message (payslip).

With the help of a special user interface the employee can open, save or print the payslip. The regipay process makes sure that the message can only be opened if the sender has been properly authenticated and thus prevents the sending of messages by non-authenticated users. The opening of the message (payslip) is confirmed to the employer by a confirmation receipt.


Frequently asked questions

Q: Do the employees need an account or password?

A: Yes, every employee needs to have a regify account. After the registration, the account is used by the e-mail address and a password.

Q: Do the employees need to register?

A: Yes, but in most cases the company or organization will invite the employees. This means, the employee receives an e-mail with a link to click on. After it was clicked, the web-browser opens up and shows him the password. Now the employee is having a regify account.

Q: Do people accept such an invitation e-mail?

A: If you send out such an invitation without any announcement, there is a chance that they will ignore it. Therefore, we suggest to send all your employees an initial introduction document announcing your plans and telling the next steps. This works very good and this on-boarding document is showing you such a text as a template in German, English and French later (see addendum).

Q: How do we send the regipay e-mails?

A: Most likely you will use the regipay desktop software. This program allows you to inspect a folder with PDF files and send them as regipay e-mails directly to the employee. It is easy to use and gathers the recipients (employees) e-mail address from the PDF content directly. The software also offers option for splitting PDF files or examine them for more information (eg date or personal number etc). You can also customize the e-mail body message and text to follow your corporate design.

Q: How is the regipay desktop and my payslip/HR software connected?

A: We do not need a direct connection or interface. Your HR software simply generates the payslips as PDF files and stores them to a given folder. In a second step, regipay desktop examines the folder and processes all the PDF files in there.

Q: Can you (regify) read the payslips?

A: No, as the e-mails with the payslips are sent directly by e-mail to the recipients. They do not go through any regify infrastructure. regify is taking care about the encryption and key management, but we do not transport the messages themselves. We also do not process any of the data on our servers. The sending and encryption happens on your local computers with regipay desktop. The payslips do not leave the system for encryption.

Q: What data does regify know about the employees and the payslip?

A: The employee needs to be registered. Therefore, the regify provider knows the e-mail address, the first and last name of the user. It is very likely that the sender also adds the company name during invitation. For the payslips, the regify provider only knows the subject (eg “Your payslip for December 2019”), date/time and sender and recipient e-mail address.

Step by step on-boarding procedure

Step 1: Preparation of the PDF payslips

You need PDF documents that contain the employees e-mail address inside of the text. This way the regipay desktop is able to gather the recipient e-mail address directly from the PDF document. Alternatively, the e-mail address may also be a part of the PDF file name.

APSAL users

You need to enable PDF export for regipay in your APSAL software. Please have a look into the Hints for APSAL users chapter here.


You very likely need to buy an extra module from Orgasoft to enable PDF export with email address. Please contact your Orgasoft sales. Also have a look at the Hints for Integra (Orgasoft) users chapter here.

Technical background

The PDF documents need to be "real" PDF documents containing the text in a way that can get parsed. It is not possible to use PDF documents that simply contain a bitmap/image of the payslip. In this case, only detection by filename would work.

If the regipay desktop is having troubles to read the content, please check your output options for PDF. Best would be a PDF/A-1b compatible PDF document.

Step 2: Technical preparation of the sending system

The regipay desktop needs to run on a Windows machine (Windows 8.1 to Windows 11 or Windows Server 2008 or higher).

The Windows machine needs access to the folder where the PDF documents are stored for processing (local or on a network share).

Most customers today run the regipay desktop manually (for example once a month). If you like to automate sending, please tell us and we will help you to implement unattended operation. You can find command-line options of regipay desktop also in its documentation (available online and from the regipay desktop “help” menu).

In order to run regipay desktop, please make sure that the following information is available:

  • E-mail address for sending the payslips. This needs to be a SMTP enabled e-mail account which can get used for sending e-mails. The regipay desktop also supports SSL authentication, if needed.
    We suggest to use a neutral e-mail address like or etc.
    Please ask your e-mail administrator if you do not know those values.

  • regify account user information (e-mail address and regify password). This will be the regify account used for sending the payslips and has to be registered with the above mentioned e-mail address. You should have access to this e-mail account and use it for registering. Please register at the regify provider that was told you by regify staff.

  • The regipay desktop license code needed to execute the setup. This is provided to you by regify staff. If you need it, please ask.

The most recent setup of regipay desktop can be found here:

Please download and install on the Windows PC you like to use for sending.

Important: Connectivity

The regipay Desktop needs to connect to the internet. It is using a HTTPS connection. Please note that it is not good to intercept the HTTPS connection as it may stop the software from working. Regipay Desktop also supports proxy servers for connections. Please make sure to allow all needed internet destination.

In addition, regipay desktop will have to send e-mails using SMTP. Please make sure that no firewall or Anti-Virus is blocking us from sending.

Step 3: Customize regipay desktop

Setup assistant

After first start, a setup assistant will help you through the basic configuration. After you entered your regify account credentials, the system may complain about not being enabled for regipay. If so, please contact your regify provider contact person. Upon this dialogue, the assistant asking for an unlock-code. If you do not know this code, please contact your regify provider contact person.

Message templates

The regipay desktop is providing you with an initial template for the payslip message (e-mail body, HTML format). You are free to adapt this to your needs. In many cases, the contained Links need to become adapted as well as maybe colors or support information and telephone numbers. If you need help or assistance, please ask regify support.

The regipay desktop offers a good manual. You can find it in the help menu.

Step 4: Test regipay desktop

Please create some dummy payslips in order to test regipay desktop. Make sure that everyone understands the e-mail (template) and is able to follow the guidance.

Step 5: Define user group

In several scenarios it was a good idea to start the enrollment of regipay with a limited number of users in the beginning. You might start with a small number of employees who are more technically skilled or willing to report problems. In many cases customers start with 10 to 20 accounts only for the first month.

After the first test period, you may on-board all other users to regify (Step 6 and 7).

Step 6: Inform users

Before sending the first payslip using regipay or inviting the employees to get their regify account, you have to inform them and give them a helping hand. We suggest to send this at least 4 days before start. Best by letter or by e-mail. You can find a template in English, German and French in the appendix beginning in the Employee information template chapter.

Step 7: Invite users

If you do not plan to create regify accounts automated using the SDK functions, the easiest way to on-board the employees is to create an Excel file with the users. The regify provider offers you an Excel template to fill in one line for each person. With this file, the e-mail invitations can get sent out automatically in a very short time.

Step 8: Send payslips

Now, the registration and sending of payslips can start. Run regipay desktop, validate the documents (all should be marked green) and press the "register and send" button on the bottom right. It takes about 1/2 to 1 second for each payslip to become sent or printed.

Employee information template

The following template may be a guide for you to inform your employees about your plans to send them payslips electronically. This is just a draft template, please adapt it to your individual needs. At least, some parts and the images need to be updated carefully!

English template

Dear Employees,

Times are changing and nowadays most people have an e-mail address. There were 4 Billion e-mail accounts in 2020 and the number is still growing. By switching from physical letters to electronic ones, we are offering an alternative which is also good for our environment - no wasting energy in printing, handling and posting payslips anymore. Therefore, from XX. January 2022 we will be sending your monthly payslips to your e-mail address.

We have chosen to send these electronic payslips using regipay because they contain sensitive and private information. It also means that we respect international law relating to data privacy. regipay is a product for sending secured and encrypted payslips using e-mail. You will receive an encrypted e-mail attachment (.rgf file). It contains your payslip as a PDF file. In order to read this, you need a regify account, which is as easy to handle as an Amazon or ebay account. It supports regipay and regimail (secure e-mail solution).

Step 1: You get an invitation to a regify account by e-mail. Please accept the invitation by clicking the “Accept invitation and activate account” link in the e-mail body.

Step 2: Your web-browser opens up and welcomes you to regify. Please make a note of your e-mail address and password now! This information is confidential. Please do not give it away or tell your colleagues.

Step 3: Once you have received your payslip, you can read it in several ways:


Method 1: Download and install the regify client software.

You will get the links to the setups for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and Apple devices like iPhone and iPad on the same page as in Option 1 above . After installation, you simply need to double-click the attached payslip file and the regify client software opens it up. The first time that you use it you will be asked to enter your e-mail address and password. This is needed only once and happens after installation. Any future payslip will open up through a simple double click.

Method 2: Read without installing any software.

Please visit the page You do not need to type this, as it is to be found as a link in your payslip e-mail. Simply click on the link you find there.* To read your payslip, save the attached file to a folder of your choice, open the above website, enter regify user-name and password and upload the saved file using drag/drop to the upload-area or by clicking to the area and selecting the file manually. Now simply click read now and you will get your payslip as PDF file for download.


In case of problems, please e-mail us at, or give us a call at xxxxxxxxxxxx.

We are happy to help you.

Your HR team

German template

Liebe Kollegin, lieber Kollege,

die Zeiten verändern sich und heute haben schon die meisten Menschen eine E-Mail-Adresse. Ende 2020 waren es 4 Milliarden E-Mail-Adressen und die Anzahl steigt noch immer. Durch den Wechsel von Papier-Briefen zu elektronischer E-Mail bieten wir eine Alternative die auch gut für unsere Umwelt ist – keine Ressourcenverschwendung mehr durch Drucken, Verarbeiten und Versenden von Gehaltsabrechnungen. Aus diesem Grund versenden wir Ihre Gehaltsabrechnung ab dem XX. Januar 2022 elektronisch an Ihre E-Mail-Adresse.

Da diese Informationen Sensibel und Privat sind, haben wir uns entschieden diese elektronische Gehaltsabrechnung mittels regipay zu versenden. Das bedeutet auch, dass wir damit internationale Datenschutzrechte beachten. regipay ist ein Produkt zum Versand von gesicherten und verschlüsselten Gehaltsabrechnungen mittels E-Mail. Sie werden einen verschlüsselten E-Mail-Anhang erhalten (.rgf-Datei). Dieser enthält Ihre Gehaltsabrechnung als PDF-Datei. Um diese lesen zu können, benötigen Sie ein regify-Konto, welches so Einfach zu Handhaben ist wie ein Amazon- oder ebay-Konto. Es unterstützt regipay und regimail (gesicherter E-Mail Versand).

Schritt 1: Sie erhalten eine Einladung zu regify per E-Mail. Bitte akzeptieren Sie diese Einladung indem Sie den Link “Einladung annehmen und Konto aktivieren” im E-Mail Text anklicken.

Schritt 2: Ihr Webbrowser öffnet sich und Sie werden zu regify Begrüßt. Bitte notieren Sie sich jetzt die E-Mail-Adresse und das Kennwort! Diese Informationen sind Geheim. Bitte geben Sie diese nicht weiter und geben Sie diese auch nicht an Kollegen.

Schritt 3: Wenn Sie dann eine Gehaltsabrechnung erhalten, können Sie diese auf verschiedenen Wegen lesen:

Option 1: Herunterladen und installieren der regify Client Software.

Sie erhalten die Links zu den Setup-Dateien für Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android und Apple-Geräte wie iPhone und iPad auf der selben Seite wie unter Option 1 oben. Nach der Installation müssen Sie nur die empfangene Gehaltsabrechnungs-Datei doppelt anklicken und die regify-Software öffnet sich. Bei der ersten Nutzung werden Sie nach regify e-Mail Adresse und Kennwort gefragt. Das wird nur einmalig nach der Installation benötigt. Jede weitere Gehaltsabrechnung öffnet sich dann nach einem einfachen Doppelklick.

Option 2: Lesen ohne Software zu installieren.

Bitte besuchen Sie die Seite
Sie müssen diese Adresse nicht abtippen, denn Sie ist als Link in der Gehaltsabrechnung zu finden. Klicken Sie einfach auf den Link in Ihrer E-Mail mit der Gehaltsabrechnung. Um die Gehaltsabrechnung zu lesen, speichern Sie die angehängte Datei zuerst an einen Ort Ihrer Wahl. Öffnen Sie jetzt die oben erwähnte Adresse, geben Sie die E-Mail-Adresse und das Kennwort ein und laden Sie die Datei mittels Drag&Drop der Datei in den Webbrowser auf den Upload-Bereich hoch. Sie können zum hochladen auch in den Upload-Bereich klicken und die Datei direkt auswählen. Jetzt drücken Sie Jetzt lesen und Sie erhalten die Gehaltsabrechnung als PDF-Datei zum Download.

Falls Sie Probleme haben, schreiben Sie uns bitte an oder rufen Sie uns unter xxxxxxxxxxxx an.

Wir helfen Ihnen gerne.

Ihr HR-Team

French template

Chers employés,

Aujourd’hui, la plupart des gens ont une adresse e-mail. Il y avait 4 milliards de comptes de messagerie en 2020 et ce chiffre continue de croître. Avec le passage de la lettre papier à lettre électronique, nous offrons une bonne alternative pour notre environnement en économisant l’énergie en éliminant l’impression, la manipulation et l’envoi des fiches de paie. Par conséquent, à partir de XX. January 2022, nous vous envoyons vos fiches de paie mensuelles à votre adresse e-mail.

Nous avons choisi l’envoie des fiches de paie électroniques en utilisant regipay car il contient des informations sensibles et privées et aussi pour respecter la loi internationale relative à la protection des données. regipay est un produit utilisé pour l’envoi des fiches de paie cryptés et sécurisés par e-mail. Vous allez recevoir une pièce jointe cryptée (fichier .rgf). Elle contient votre fiche de paie en format PDF. Pour consulter vos fiches de paies, un compte regify est nécessaire. Ce compte est facile à utiliser, comme un compte Amazon ou eBay, et en plus vous pouvez l’utiliser pour plusieurs produits comme regipay et regimail (solution de messagerie sécurisée).

Etape 1: Vous recevez une invitation regify par e-mail. Veuillez accepter l’invitation en cliquant sur le lien "Accepter l’invitation et activer le compte" contenue dans le message.

Etape 2: Après avoir cliqué sur le lien, votre navigateur Internet s’ouvrira et vos identifiants de votre compte seront affiché sur l’écran. Veuillez les sauvegarder en les imprimant ou écrivant et les garder privés.

Étape 3: Une fois que vous aurez reçu votre fiche de paie électronique, vous pouvez le lire de plusieurs façons:

Option 1: Télécharger et installer le client regify.

La page, accessible en utilisant le lien ci-dessus, contient les exécutables pour Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android et iOS (iPad, iPhone). Après avoir installé le client sur votre appareil, il vous suffit de double-cliquer sur la pièce jointe (fichier rgf) et le client regify va l’ouvrir. À la première utilisation, vous devez saisir votre adresse email et mot de passe de votre compte regify. Ceci est nécessaire qu’une seule fois après l’installation.

Option 2: Consulter vos fiches de paie sans installation de logiciel.

Veuillez visiter la page suivante: L’email de bulletin de paie contient ce lien.# Pour consulter votre fiche de paie, sauvegardez la pièce jointe sure votre PC puis clique le lient ci-dessus pour ouvrir notre portail web. Saisissez vos identifiants de compte, puis téléchargez le fichier la pièce jointe et finalement cliquer sur Consulter pour consulter votre fiche de paie sous le format PDF.

Pour nous contacter en cas de problème, veuillez utiliser l’adresse e-mail ou le numéro de téléphone xxxxxxxxxxxx. Nous sommes disponibles pour répondre à vos questions.

Équipe RH,

Hints for APSAL users


If you are an APSAL user, please follow these steps to get the payslips ready for regipay Desktop.

If you have any questions regarding APSAL, please contact APSAL help-desk ( for help. regify support is not able to help you on APSAL questions.

APSAL configuration

Step 1: Activate the regify options

Please contact your APSAL help-desk ( to activate the options needed for regify. This is free of charge. You need at least APSAL 2016 (beginning version 3.8.20160182.e) in order to use these options.

Step 2: Tell APSAL to print the e-mail address onto the payslips


Step 3: Enter the e-mail address of the employees


This is needed to let regipay Desktop find the e-mail address in the payslip PDF file later. This is the e-mail address the electronic payslip will be sent to later.

Step 4: Activate PDF export for the employees


The system will only create PDF files for people which have this option set. Otherwise the documents will be sent to the printer directly.

Step 5: Generate the PDF files for regipay


Export the PDF files using this APSAL dialogue. You should set the “Répertoire d’export” path to the regipay Desktop input path.

You can find the correct path in your regipay Desktop configuration dialogue: image

Alternatively, you can point regipay desktop to the output folder of APSAL.

APSAL specific payslip date

The default payslip template of APSAL contains the payslip date in the format

Month-Name Year

We suggest to use a custom Regular Expression in regipay desktop to get the payslip date and use it in the e-mail subject and body.

To get the date of such APSAL payslips, we suggest you to use the following RegExp:


This covers UPPERCASE German, English and French writing of Month-Names in APSAL.

In case you used the APSAL translation dialog to write the month names with lowercase characters, you may want to use the following RegExp:

We found issues if this was copied using TeamViewer. In case it does not work (date is not found), please make sure that the + and \ characters are re-typed in regipay desktop.

APSAL specific certificat de salaire date

année\s*:\s*(20\d\d)              \1

Hints for Integra (Orgasoft) users

Integra specific date

We suggest to use a custom Regular Expression in regipay desktop to get the payslip date and use it in the e-mail subject and body.

To get the date of such Integra payslips, we suggest you to use the following RegExp:


This covers date with preceeding spaces and following 4 or 5 digit word. Like " _02/22 abcde " using " \1 " as 'Output'.

Integra specific dual use config

Alternatively, we also did a configuration like this to cover both payslips (Lohn-/Gehaltsabrechnung) and yearly social insurance announcement (SV-Meldung):

Payslip Date



(Lohn-/Gehaltsabrechnung|SV-Meldebescheinigung)     (Mandatory)

SV Date

\d\d\.\d\d\.(20\d\d).*(SV-Pflichtig|Geringf|Kurzf)  (with \1)

In the subject and template we then used [REGEX2] für [REGEX1][REGEX3] to make it work.