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regify Client commandline reference


The regify_client.exe can be called without any parameter. Upon this, the standard-dialog for creating a new regify-file and send it by SMTP mail opens up.

Additionally, some other special functions are possible:

option parameter


Show help information.


Specifies log file to log to. No logging will be done without this.


Verbose mode. Increases log level to verbose. Requires -l.


Do not show any configuration dialog while displaying content.


All given string(!) parameters are utf8 and then base64 encoded (command line input)


Open/show configuration dialog.


Decrypt and display regimail/regipay with GUI.


Extract regimail/regipay to destination folder.


Get regify configuration.


Invite user for regify (not available in regipay client).


Create regimail (not available in regipay client).


Open compose dialog in regify GUI (not available in regipay client).


Request transaction information (not available in regipay client).

Many functions require additional parameters. See individual function description below for details.

All parameters should be encoded in UTF-8. In case there is an empty space in the parameter, you have to use quotation-marks (ASCII 34) to enclose the parameter.

Optional base64 encoding

By using the -b option, you have to encode all string parameters in utf-8 and then base64 encode. By this, no commandline or shell issues will come up for encoding. This is the prefferred method!

Without -b option, it is strongly recommended to enclose every string parameter in quotation-marks except of the command itself and the numeric fields. Better to use -b option!

Information about the used configuration

Using the regify_client.exe in commandline-mode is the most simple option to use regify from within other software or in batch process jobs. By calling the regify_client.exe, the configuration is taken from the current users regify configuration settings. You can edit theese settings by calling the regify client manually and pressing the settings-button or by calling it using the -C option.

Functions Reference

-D command → Decrypt

Using the -D command allows you to open a received regify-file or a regify identity-file using a comfortable graphical userinterface. This is the default behavior if only one RGF file is given.

The -D command has one mandatory parameter:

Parameter Information

-i regify-file
-i identity-file

Use the complete regify-file filename or identity-file filename as parameter to open the displaying interface.


Both calls open the regify-file for display:

> regify_client.exe -D -i "c:\my_regify-file.rgf"
> regify_client.exe "c:\my_regify-file.rgf"

Opens a regify identity-file for display:

> regify_client.exe -D -i "c:\my_identity.rif"

-M command → Create

The -M command allows you to create a new regify-file without showing any dialog. The complete client-configuration is used. Upon this, there are not many additional information needed to generate a new regify-file.

This function is mentioned for application-environments without user intervention.

The -M command has several parameters:

Parameter Information

-o destination-containername

The name of the destination container has to end with .rgf. If you implementing for Outlook, Novell Groupwise or Lotus Notes, the filename should be regify-file.rgf. This file is not allowed to exist in the moment the program is called.

The letters TNR (uppercase!) can be used as a filename-placeholder for the transaction id(s). The file will be renamed automatically after creation.

-i textfile with body-message

The given textfile has to contain the complete message-body in plain format (UTF-8 encoded) or HTML. Please name the plain message with .txt extension and the HTML message with .hml extension.

-s subject

The subject of this e-mail (UTF-8 if possible). If you need quotation-marks (") in your subject, you can encode them with #CM#. The regify client will reconvert this into quotation-marks. Better encode with -b and base64.

-r recipient

Recipients have to be given as clean mailaddressess and are not allowed to contain special characters or other text (for a bad example: "Klaus Müller <>". For a good example: "").

Multiple recipient-addresses should be divided by comma (,) with no spaces (Example: ",").

-d reminder-days

The number of days to remind of this message if it was not opened. The range is 1 to 30. This field should be filled with one of the given values: 1,2,3,5,7,10

-c address

Optional communication e-mail address (similar to sender address). Overrides settings!

-n address

Optional sender name. Overrides settings!

file1 - fileN

The complete filenames (including the full path each) of the files for including as attachment. Divide multiple attachments with a single space character (like the other parameters).


Creates a regify-file and starts transaction.

> regify_client.exe -M -o "c:\temp\regify-file_TNR.rgf" -i "c:\temp\Message.txt" -s "This is a Test" -r "" -d 10 "c:\temp\Attach1.jpg" "c:\temp\Attach2.doc"

Output description

If the given containerfile is existing after termination of the regify_client.exe, everying has been fine. The e-mail can be processed now. If the containerfile does not exist, there has been an error and the data must be kept in the original state and not sent!

-C command → Config

Using the -C command allows you to display the GUI for configuring the regify_client.exe. The only dialog displayed will be the configuration-dialog. As there are two ways to use the regify_client.exe, you can choose between a SMTP enabled mode and SMTP disabled mode. For future functionality, other parameters may follow.

Parameter Information


Leaving the parameter empty (no parameter) will open the configuration-dialog including the complete SMTP account settings.


This parameter disables the SMTP account settings pane and the signature settings pane. The user can only manage non smtp- e-mail specific data.

This is meant for all external calls that need to prevent the user from entering smtp specific data (for example Outlook, Lotus Notes etc.).


Opens the regify configuration dialog without SMTP settings:

> regify_client.exe -C OUTLOOK

-I command → Invite

By using the -I command, the regify client invokes a little browser-window that opens up a special website for user invitement. The website called is defined in the customize.ini file in your regify client installation folder. The value-name is InviteUserURL. If this is empty or not set, calling this command will result in an error-message.

-E command → Extract

You can use the regify_client.exe to extract a regify-file without any user-interaction. For this functionality, the -E command is intended.

Parameter Information

-i regify-file

The regify-file to be extracted. Please use a complete path.

-o output-folder

Please insert an existing, empty folder as parameter. This is the path wich will get used for content extraction of the given regify-file.

Output description

The -E function will extract the complete content into the given output-folder. All attached files will extract with the identical filenames. The regify-specific content will get special filenames:

Filename Description


The body of the message in UTF8 format. This file is only created, if the message content has been created in plain text format.


The body of the message in HTML format. This file is only created, if the message content has been created in HTML format.


The subject of the message in UTF8 format.


The sender addresses in UTF8 format.


The recipient addresses in UTF8 format.


The message creation date in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH/MM/SS

This is the time of the sending computer while creation process of the regify-file. It is not a certified date.


Opens the regify-file and extracts the content into path:[c:\temp\regify\]:

> regify_client.exe -E -i "c:\my_file.rgf" -o "c:\temp\regify\"
The output-folder needs to be empty before calling /EXTRACT.
Please ensure, that your application deletes the content of the output-folder after work.

-P command → Compose

By using the -P command, you are able to open the regify-Client in edit-mode with pre-defined content. The user is still able to manipulate the content after this.

The -P command has several parameters that need to be assigned in exactly this order

Parameter Information

-i textfile with body-message

The given textfile has to contain the complete message-body in plain format.

There is no HTML or RTF allowed.

-s subject

The subject of this e-mail (UTF-8 if possible). If you need quotation-marks (") in your subject, you can encode them with #CM#. The regify client will reconvert this into real quotation-marks.

-r recipient

Recipients have to be given as clean mailaddressess and are not allowed to contain special characters or other text (for a bad example: "Klaus Müller <>". For a good example: "").

Multiple recipient-addresses should be divided by comma (,) with no spaces (Example: ",").

-d reminder-days

The number of days to remind of this message if it was not opened. The range is 1 to 30. This field should be filled with one of the given values: 1,2,3,5,7,10

file1 - fileN

The complete filenames (including the full path each) of the files for including as attachment.


Opens regify compose dialog and pre-fills GUI:

> regify_client.exe -P -i "c:\temp\Message.txt" -s "This is a Test" -r "" -d 10 "c:\temp\Attach1.jpg"

-G command –> Get Configuration

The -G command is for regify internal use only. It offers to store regify provider configuration at a given place for further usage.

Parameter Information

-e address

E-mail address registered with regify. Optional if URL is specified.

-p password

regify account password. Optional if URL is specified.

-U url

The URL to reach the regify service

Optional if email and password are specified.

-o path

The complete filename incl. path to the result file to create (overwrite!).

-R command –> Request Transaction Information

Using the -R command allows you to get the status of a given regify transaction (must be yours!)

Parameter Information

-i list

A list of transaction id’s you want to get information about.

The list is seen as string and needs to divide multiple numbers by commas or semicolon.


The complete filename incl. path to the result JSON file to create (overwrite!).